What started as a girl just wanting to prove herself, turned into a calling.

Why “mustang mission"? While I love working with all horses, and every one of them teaches me something, the mustangs hold a special place in my heart. Each one has a unique set of tests and trials you must go through together, and they have a lot of “spirit”, and it really makes one reflect.

Where it started was at my first mustang pickup at the age 16. A stranger standing in line with us (now a good friend) made a comment about how the mustangs really have had everything they know torn from them. They don’t understand why, and as a result are living in a state of fear. That got me started thinking, about how so much our relationships with our horses reflect our relationship with God.

So often in life we don’t understand the trials we are going through, none of it makes sense when all we looking for comfort or pleasure. Think about it. If left to his own devices the mustang would continue to wander in the desert, looking for water, and constantly scrounging around for a bite to eat, sometimes traveling long and far for just a single morsel of what he needs. Sometimes wandering toward death, when drought drains the waterhole he walked miles to find. A life of never being satisfied, always searching.

When adopted, the mustang will receive hay, water, green pastures. He will never hunger or thirst. We just ask for a relationship with him, we ask the mustang to trust us so we can give him good things and so we can create something beautiful, and so we can love him. This is what God wants for us, for us to stop wandering in our own desert and turn to him, so he can provide for and love us, and create something more beautiful for our lives than we ever imagined!

If we can stop living out in fear and learn to trust God and step forward into his purpose, something even more amazing than what happens between the greatest horse and horseman you can even imagine!!

I invite you to join me for the ride, as I start to share the things I’ve pondered in my heart during the many hours spent with the horses over the past years with my horses.

Madeline Hofmeister